Well, I've been a bit remiss in keeping the blog up to date, but I was spending quite a lot of time over the past few months on getting a Sunrise prototype ready. When I came back from the meet, it reminded me that my own turntable was in need of a bit of work in order to be able to listen to vinyl and actually test Sunrise locally.
Our house isn't particularly large, so it is hard to find room for all the audio equipment, particularly the multiple amplifiers while having room for the television which sits on a separate stand... so I'd been putting it off. But no longer...
The "bit of work" is a new tonearm for the Teres. I'd bought a T3Pro tonearm to replace the old Origin Live'd RB250 arm that I'd used for so long. It's a parallel tracking tonearm as opposed to the more usual tangential tracking arm that you usually find on turntables, mainly because inner groove distortion is something I find particularly unpleasant.
There is quite a lot of setup involved, I guess that is the case for any tonearm, but there a few more adjustments than usual to be made. I've set it up first with a fairly inexpensive cartridge, the Nagaoka MP-100, in case any mistakes were made in the process - thankfully the cartridge seems to have come through unscathed!
Here's how it looks so far...
And a closer up of the wand...
While I have sound and what appears to be reliable tracking, there still seems to be a fair way to go with optimisation. Sound is a bit sibilant and very much reminiscent of what I consider in my relatively limited experience to be a typical "moving magnet" cartridge sound. It may well be user error, but we'll see...
Here's a good thing... the actual arm itself is essentially silent - this is different from any other air bearing arm I've encountered, which normally have a very audible hissing sound. The air pump itself is designed for aquarium use, and while far from silent should not be too hard to quiet down in an appropriate foam-lined box.
So lots of work still to do on the turntable, more tweaking and alignment, more solid mountings for various things, but at least it can play now!